Here’s what I’ve been up to!

Happy New Year!

Over the past few weeks I’ve fallen off the bloggin’ bandwagon and my attention has been focused elsewhere.

A few days after Halloween my husband and I were surprised with a positive pregnancy test!  A few days after that is when the trouble started.  To shorten things up, I’ve been so sick and so tired I haven’t felt like doing much of anything!  The first trimester was rough until I was prescribed an anti-nausea medication on Christmas Eve which made my Christmas VERY merry; eating everything in sight!  I hope I’ve gained back the ten pounds I’ve lost so I can start my prenatal yoga!

I have a few ideas in mind for some informative articles coming up so stay tuned and bear with me!

Oh, and my estimated due date is July 1st, 2014.  This will be our second little one; our daughter will be three this August.  Yes, I am planning on use cloth diapers and breastfeeding!


Our first born…


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